Monday, August 24, 2009

How Long For Vigamox To Expire

Carelessness on the mountain in Catalonia would begin to be paid from the month of October.

Madrid 23 ago (EFE).
- The mountain rescues have increased as fast as they have done in the last decade, all kinds of leisure activities outdoors. Catalonia and Cantabria have decided to pass the rescue bill the reckless, and other communities and Basque Country, Asturias and Castilla y Leon, they are thinking.

tax collection effort is not what drives these communities, but the look deterrent and preventive measure. "It is a warning to hikers take minimal precautions before leaving the mountain," he told Efe José Luis Gochicoa, general director of Civil Protection of Cantabria.

According to emergency services of the autonomous communities whose territories are locked in the Cantabrian Mountains, Pyrenees and mountains of Madrid, in 2008 rescue teams were involved in more than 1,500 rescue and search climbers and hikers, many of them with more than one person involved.

minimize abuses

Cantabria, where the measure is already in force but not yet executed any case, Catalonia, where be implemented in October, have saved the main obstacle: to clarify what is considered as negligence or and recklessness, when pass bailout bill the citizen.

The first objective has established two situations: when the caver not carry the approval general direction of Culture to access the caves Cantabria activity that is a pioneer in Europe, and to ignore a weather alert that increases the risk of the activity that is practiced.

Catalonia has designed three situations, Olga Lanau explains ignoring a no entry sign or danger, not wearing proper equipment, or alert emergency services when not needed. "In general people have common sense and not abuse, but tries to minimize these cases," he says.

In European countries like Switzerland, France or Italy, where high-risk sports activities, "prevailing in advanced societies," said the deputy, this type of rescue with highly specialized services and high quality are collected. "This requires, he adds that he makes a risky purchase insurance if necessary to face these costs."


In study phase are also in Castilla and León, where the director of Civil Protection Agency, Luis Aznar, told Efe that "the costs arising from rescue are very important. "

Therefore, Castilla y León examine ways that communities are responsible for collecting ransoms get some of that investment through insurance that have signed the mountaineers, most of these provinces, and therefore secure.


"In the last decade has seen a quite remarkable increase in visitors to the mountain, directly related to economic development experienced years ago: a more affluent, more entertaining" , told Efe Angel Sevillano, head of supervision of GERA (Special Rescue Group H) of the Community of Madrid.

Most of the follies, he adds, comes from the lack of training and no activity planning. "It is essential before going" says "study the route, map, identify areas of risk, how to overcome them, carrying equipment according, to stockpile water and food, warn family and friends and announce the scheduled arrival. With this sales and your business has to develop normally, "says Sevigny. EFE


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