Sunday, May 8, 2011

Microsoft Mouse Ce0560

Reiki Level I course in Puente Genil, Córdoba

Si este curso ya ha pasado de fecha, consulta la agenda 2011 con los cursos actualizados

Curso Nivel I en Puente Genil,  Córdoba


Qué es Reiki, historia y origen cultural.
Los 5 principios fundamentales del Reiki, cómo funciona, preguntas frecuentes, etc.
El Sistema energético humano, cuerpos sutiles y centros energéticos.
Chakras o centros energéticos y los 7 chakras principales.
Enfermedad y Sanación. Una visión integral de la salud.
Rituales previos a una sesión Reiki
Autotratamiento. Cómo darse Reiki a uno same.
How to give Reiki to another person. Full session.
fast and effective treatment in a very short time.
Balancing the 7 main chakras. Meditation
prior to initiation.
Introduction to Reiki class.
Giving and receiving full treatment group.
Meditation with the chakras. Exercises
protection and purification.
Further Reading.

Every day more people are looking for something different to address their mental health problems, physical and emotional. Tired from a focus on symptoms and not reaching a state of harmony and comprehensive human beings tend to seek a simple, effective and affordable for small to resolve complaints and / or issues that are much more ingrained in our being for years.
Reiki or Healing by laying on of hands is a natural therapy complementary to any medical treatment or pharmacist to help in injury recovery by accelerating the process and reducing nursing time and reduce or even eliminate many ailments and pains both physical and emotional. It is a system that is increasingly present in our lives and in the hospital setting already being applied in many English hospitals.
But Reiki is and can be for you much more than that, it provides a different way of seeing ourselves as human beings and to see everything around us. Through the Universal Life Energy Self-knowledge can reach and connect with our inner selves changing our way of thinking, feeling and seeing life.
With this course you can learn simple techniques and easy to apply from the first day without prior knowledge or academic degree in health specialties.
can learn to solve common minor annoyances in our lives to help you and those around you. And change your approach and way of living your life to a level of harmony and wellness.
can also begin the road to the Masters in order to give Reiki sessions to others in a more professional or even teach you everything you learn with the 3 levels so that every day more people can heal themselves.

Duration: 8 hours.
Held Psychology Center Systems in C / Doctor Ochoa, 7, Puente Genil
Date: Sunday June 5, 1911 to 19 hours with a lunch break mid day that we at the Centre. Everyone brings something and share food together.
recommend bringing light clothing, comfortable socks.
manual is received with theoretical content, Reiki music CD, Video full session, initiation, self-treatment and give and receive Reiki.
diploma certificate is delivered by the English Federation of Reiki.
Investment: 65 euros.
Reserve and registration: If you are interested in attending this course, please book your place by paying half the amount (30 €) before the course by bank transfer in BBVA 0182 5237 91 0201570437 indicando nombre y apellido   o con tarjeta de crédito.
Si realizas el pago del total  del curso con tres días como mínimo de antelación el coste total es de 55 €  ( descuento de 10 € ) .
Inscríbete al curso

Centro de Psicología Sistémica y Terapias Naturales Complementarias
“Luz Maria Navas "
C / Doctor Ochoa, 7
Puente Genil, Córdoba
Tlfn: 957606952 / 685530602

Communite Service Letter

Chat - Workshop: Reiki, a natural therapy, simply and efficiently available to all / as

encompassed within the Women's Health Program and 2011 organized by the Department of Women's Distinguished Ayto de Puente Genil, Córdoba.
On Wednesday 25 May 1918 to 20 hours in the House of the Citizen.
lectures and practical workshop completely free until all seats.

Jackastors Lobster And Crab Dip

Tertulia in the Campos Reina Puente Genil

included within the 2011 Women's Health program organized by the Department of Women Town Hall Distinguished Puente Genil, Cordoba, next Monday May 16 will take place at the gathering 18 hours

"Happiness as a personal choice."

Admission is free and allowed to fill seats.

Belkin F6d4050 Kubuntu

As a man thinketh, so is

As a man thinketh, so is. James Allen,

Great book and also very small, easy and enjoyable. Clear explanation of how our thoughts determine our view of ourselves and the reality that surrounds us.

You can read it by clicking here

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sunbreeze Essential Oil Pregnancy

Intelligence Course Casariche emotional, Sevilla

Learn to channel your emotions.

begins today in the house Casariche Youth, Sevilla, this highly practical and experiential course where we learn a lot more of us as same / as well as improve our emotional intelligence by recognizing our emotions, all of them and channeling in a healthy, effective and true.

Every Friday (six in total) from 17 to 19 hours.

This activity is within the Education for Peace program and you can still sign up if you really care home, to make contact with Rocio Martin on 954011808 or send email to

Thursday, May 5, 2011

After Having Cryocautery

A criminal speculation

April 18, 2011

Xavier Caño Tamayo -

According to a report by Lehman Brothers, speculative investment in food has increased from 13,000 million dollars in 2003 to 260,000 million in 2008. The food crisis was triggered this year, no doubt, by the wild speculation and rising prices for basic food, not bad crops and because India and China consume more food than before. Wheat and corn rose on average 25%, there were riots in forty countries and more than 130 million people were added to the legion of hungry. In 2007 he had succeeded in reducing the world's undernourished to 850 million, but thanks to speculation and food are 1,100 million.

The price of food is marked with so-called futures contracts that are bought and sold for a while dozens of times, speculating on the rise and fall of the price. Although no one actually tries to buy these foods, only speculate, Veterinarians Without Borders report. Moreover, multinational food as Bunge, Dupont, Cargill, ADM and Syngenta control over 70% of the grain supply and make prices I agree to obtain billions of profits. While Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Santander, BBVA, Deutsche Bank ... speculate on food prices and present this speculative investment as safe and profitable sector.

But talk of an indisputable human right: the right to life, to a dignified existence. And poverty and hunger can not live with dignity. So Jean Ziegler, vice president of the Advisory Council of the UN Human Rights, complained that "it is an absurdity that food prices are set by the Exchange. Should be removed from the speculation. "

Ziegler insists that "food must be declared public good and its price determined by negotiation between producer and consumer countries. The system developed to make it the UNCTD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), but large multinational corporations have been discarded. " According

denounces the "Movement two Landless Rural Workers (MST) in Brazil and the international Via Campesina, the causes of rising food prices are oligopolistic control a few companies have on world wheat trade, maize, rice, soy, milk ... more speculation of large investors in the stock of agricultural products. More pure financial speculation, because the banks invest in food, safer than stocks. More privatization of public services for agriculture, placed under the control of multinational corporations. Over the obscene position of the World Trade Organization became a mere commodity food ...

Ziegler complained that " are criminal law enforcement structures of the world that made the slaughter hunger everyday. Criminal structures and the export of products at prices much lower than at home, as does the European Union, which exported agricultural products to Africa at very low prices and destroy African agriculture. And it is a criminal structure stock speculation of big hedge funds (vulture funds) with rice, wheat, maize and millet, the staple foods of the world. "

To Heiner Flassbeck, chief economist at the UNCTD, the current rapid rise in food prices is as dangerous as that of 2008. And the main cause remains the same: the speculation: "The markets for agricultural commodities can not find appropriate prices and because they have been corrupted by financial adventurers," says Flassbeck, convinced that the international community must intervene to eliminate bubbles raw food before it is too late.

As Gandhi said , " hunger is an insult, humiliate, dehumanize, destroy the body and spirit, is the most murderous there." And Juan Torres rivets that " poverty is no disgrace nor famine, natural disaster. Poverty and hunger are a disgrace, a real organized crime. " So if our world had not fallen in democracy and justice in the last twenty years of imposition of neoliberalism, food speculators and their accomplices would be in jail, properly prosecuted, tried and convicted.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tatoo On Female Genitalia


Access: We will address Coll Nargo at the entrance there is a junction on the left that leads to Isona. The road climbs up to the Coll de Boixols and soon find Boixols village, right in the center of town and next to the church leave the car. Approach
10 minutes: From the church take the street on the left to find a well paved road on your left, continue a few meters to find a path that will take us to the river, here begins the descent.

Return 30 minutes: Once past the stone bridge, the last rappel, take the path of right and will go back to the bridge. Continuing along the path until you reach the road once there we will continue right along the road to the village of Boixols.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Formal Letter For Car Allotment

Psychological Help by Email

Looking psychological help but have a very limited budget?
Need advice from a professional psychologist?
Got a problem point or question that could be resolved only
a query by email?
you looking specifically for email support, you may be physically far from my office in person or perhaps you are close but do prefer the intimacy and privacy of your home or workplace, getting in my counseling your incoming mailbox.
Even if you've a query face / virtual me, I would like to invite you to read the iguiente information can be helpful to know more and see how I work in the field of psychology. This information can serve to value my opinion or guidance in the response to send you e-mail.
I always say that my door is like many / as psychologists and each has his methods and work in a particular way because in the last and first are people and, at least I always give that human touch is part of me in my work.
attention in the email perhaps more common queries are more specific and concrete in time but also carried out continuous work with people far removed physically from me who like this kind of help for several reasons:
  • This affordable.
    provides intimacy and privacy
  • People feel confident to express themselves freely
  • rdudas able to resolve or receive advice that may not be enough to hire a query.
How I can hire consulting psychology by email?
- You can pay NOW dePayPal through paying with your credit card and sending information by email and / or attachment of your problem or query trying to provide the much information of interest and relevance for you to:
; ; ; ;

- You can also transfer / bank deposit.
Sieliges the latter option, please send email to
and bank details will refer you to the entrance.

Please note that payment is made prior to the consultation by email, after confirming the payment of the same, I can take up to 48 hours in answer.

I hope that all the information you have provided may be of your interest and help you decide if you really want to have my support and professional services.

Before closing I would like to say that if you're here in this section and is reading this because you're looking for help, you're looking for a way to improve your current situation and sincerely hope you find it, in my or someone else, but you find someone to accompany you to not crash, so you grabbed a man and pull forward, but remember, and this is very important for me,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Csr Bluetooth Drivers


Friday, April 8, 2011

Refugee Camps In Senagal

Me and my life circumstances

This is perhaps an extension of the previous article but I wanted to cover broader issues and also important in our lives and not just the couple.

Again we encounter the belief that without realizing they are the source of both absurd and unnecessary suffering of human beings and what is worse, cause we get to do atrocities in their name.

When we identify so much with what we believe to be based on have or have no partner, offspring or not, work, success, recognition, material goods ... we get lost in reality in the world of forms, ie the external and changing continuously.

Under this we have sold the bike that we must be perfect and we must have, especially in this consumer society where so much you are worth.

So when you cease to be that you are supposed to possess, the problems begin or worse if you have not succeeded yet, little hard because when you are lacking one thing you lack another, because then you are most unhappy.

Sincerely, I say, not only have seen many people suffer in my office, if not from personal experience as a human being to live in that state of identification with what I'm supposed to have for be happy, is a condemnation of continued suffering.

We always something going on when it is not a partner, is our children, when in love, so good, we fail the job or money, or friends, or so many things in our lives .
There is always a reason to be worried, angry, fearful, resentful, ... ultimately by who suffer.

I think we look for happiness in the wrong place leaving all our power on the outside and so we are like a ship adrift.
The place, for me, is within us and get to it is easier than it seems, just have to love, work hard and be consistent.
years we have been thinking, feeling and acting a way to change beliefs is not easy but certainly possible and let go of ideas to get your heart a more at your fingertips than you think.

This message is dedicated to you because you are the center TCU your life, you can connect with yourself to and feeling at home, in your true home, wherever you are, no matter what happens outside.
As a human being can enjoy and feel happier even when wonderful things are in your life and experience pain or sadness at a loss, but you can always feel at home where everything is good, where everything you see in the outside world in the background is a game, an illusion and when you start to see it and everything changes.
When I say I and my life circumstances I refer specifically to this, I am and I have that inner peace space Firmware if I focus on myself and my life circumstances are temporary and constantly changing. I learn every day to savor, enjoy and say goodbye to those that are sometimes with pain and say a cheery hello and enthusiastically to new entrants.

Mount&balde Seialnumber

I'm an Orange Whole

I think we've raised in the belief that we need to find that person that somehow we will complete and complement what we lack. That person you share the rest of our life, with which we will be happy and will no longer be two halves if not one, because in the end "we have found our soul mate."

This is something we hear from small, in the stories, especially, shows how the princess finally found the man and woman are married and happily ever after forever.

sounds great but the reality is very different and without realizing we create more suffering, totally unnecessary, seeing that we achieve this ideal we have in our mind.

As always the solution lies in the problem itself, however, seems not so popular question beliefs that are rooted in us, we as true without thinking how far are true and above all, how much benefit we and contribute to our happiness.

dedicate our lives to look for that perfect match gives us something that until then had, and then to maintain that relationship at all costs creating dependency sometimes unhealthy because if we lose, it seems that we cease to exist, we become imperfect, something we lack, our life is meaningless ...

From my point of view there is a difference between loving someone and feel happiness and joy to share your life with her and feel that your life has meaning because of the presence of this person in it and if needed you die.

I think many people would agree that the second option is not healthy, especially, because if your happiness depends on the presence or absence of a partner or what I do or not do, you're doomed to continued suffering.

For me I am too a whole orange and I have the joy of sharing my life with a wonderful human being as is my husband. His presence in my life it is worth much more worthwhile to be lived and that enjoy and savor, it also gives me the opportunity to grow and learn while still in relationship with him as with other people but I'm not an incomplete being who became a whole lot to marry.

is very easy to create dependencies with people and not just the couple, sometimes we confuse our desire to be express and share with someone with dependence, but this basically means the imperative to be with that person because if you feel that you die . For this unfortunately kept many stormy relationships.

As said earlier, the solution is in trouble, when you change that belief and see that you are the center, you have a state of unchanging peace within yourself no matter what happens outside, when look and see that everything outside is changing continuously and therefore temporary, and it can not hold or control, you fall in some way to savor every moment you share with your partner from love and from freedom, but above all, loving yourself, feeling full and harmony forever.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How To Install Oakley Visor

Boixols Forat de Seminaris EFCE - 2011




Friday, April 1, 2011

Hindi Song On New Born Baby

Emotional Intelligence Course "Learn to Express Your Emotions"

With this course you get to know you better and grow as a person, and learn in a practical and concrete to channel your emotions both positive and may be more harmful to you, discover how to free yourself from anger, rage, frustration, guilt, resentment, regret ... and healthier to express the joy, love and affection for others. The registration fee is 10 Euros / person. This activity is part of Education for Peace and is responsible for the Psychologist Luz Maria Navas.

The start date is yet to be determined but will be held on Friday afternoon from 17 to 19 hours in the Youth House Casariche.

For information and registration Juventuppo Spring, you can go to CITY Casariche, and ask for: Rocío Martín (ADJ), Monday through Friday 8 to 2:30, and / or Wednesday 4:30 to 7 hours in the Youth House. Tlfn: 954019911 and / or also in the Youth House, Asking for Pepi Valverde (ADJ), Monday through Friday 4 to 7 hours. Tlfn: 954011592. Do it as soon as possible as places are limited.

Free Movies Of Miosotis

Relaxation Course Valdepeñas Emotional Intelligence, Ciudad Real

The emotional intelligence is a theoretical model to explain the personal and professional success, which depends not only on IQ, but a series of factors such as managing emotions, empathy, motivation, etc. . The characteristics of the so-called emotional intelligence: the ability to motivate ourselves, to persevere in the effort despite the possible frustrations, to control impulses, to defer gratification, to regulate our own moods, to prevent anxiety interfere with our rational faculties and the ability to empathize with and trust others.

The Library proposes to anyone interested in the subject to discover, in two sessions, we proposed the Psychologist Luz Maria Navas.

Location: Public Library "Ana de Castro"
Date: 29 and 30 April, 8 hours in total.
Information: Charo Guerrero
Tlfn: 926 311660

Pre-registration is required, limited seats.

Coconut Milk Benefits For Thyroid

Body Style Change For Tahoe?

Guided Relaxation Reiki Level I Course Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real

If this course has already out of date, see the 2011 agenda with updated courses

Valdepeñas Level I Course, Ciudad Real


What is Reiki, history and cultural background.
The 5 principles fundamentals of Reiki, how it works, FAQs, etc.
The human energy system, subtle bodies and energy centers.
Chakras or energy centers, 7 main chakras.
Illness and Healing. A holistic view of health.
rituals before a Reiki session
Self treatment. How to give Reiki to yourself.
How to give Reiki to another person. Full session.
fast and effective treatment in a very short time.
Balancing the 7 main chakras. Meditation
prior to initiation.
Introduction to Reiki class.
Giving and receiving full treatment group.
Meditation with the chakras. Exercises
protection and purification.
Further Reading.

Every day more people are looking for something different to address their mental health problems, physical and emotional. Tired from a focus on symptoms and not reaching a state of harmony and comprehensive human beings tend to seek a simple, effective and affordable for small to resolve complaints and / or issues that are much more ingrained in our being for years.
Reiki or Healing by laying on of hands is a natural therapy complementary to any other medical or pharmaceutical assistance en la recuperación de lesiones acelerando el proceso y reduciendo el tiempo necesario de convalecencia, además de reducir hasta eliminar otras muchas dolencias y molestias tanto físicas como emocionales. Es un sistema cada vez más presente en nuestras vidas y en el entorno hospitalario aplicándose ya en muchos hospitales españoles.
Pero Reiki es y puede ser para ti mucho más que esto, aporta una forma distinta de vernos a nosotros mismos como seres humanos y de ver todo lo que nos rodea. A través de la Energía Vital Universal podemos llegar al auto conocimiento y conectar con nuestro Ser Interior cambiando nuestra forma de pensar, de sentir y de ver la Vida.
Con este curso puedes aprender técnicas simple and easy to apply from the first day without prior knowledge or academic degree in health specialties.
can learn to solve common minor annoyances in our lives to help you and those around you. And change your approach and way of living your life to a level of harmony and wellness.
can also begin the road to the Masters in order to give Reiki sessions to others in a more professional or even teach you everything you learn with the 3 levels so that every day more people can heal themselves.

Duration: 8 hours.

Held The place is yet to be determined, if you offer your home or
other environment where we can take the course with a capacity of 5 to 7
people the course is free for you .

Date: Sunday May 1, 1910 18 hours with a lunch break at noon we will do on site. Everyone brings some food and share it together.
recommend bringing light clothing, comfortable socks.
manual is received with theoretical content, Reiki music CD, Video full session, initiation, self-treatment and give and receive Reiki.
diploma is delivered.

Investment: 65 euros.
Reserve and registration: If you are interested in attending this course, please book your place by paying half the amount (30 €) before the course by bank transfer ( BBVA 0182 / 5237 / 91 / 0201570437 indicating name and Reiki 1 May) or credit card.
If you make full payment of the course with at least three days before the total cost is € 55 (discount of 10 €).

Subscribe to ongoing

Note! If the course for personal reasons could not make it would proceed to the repayment of the amounts contributed as a reserve it.

Systemic Psychology Center Complementary and Natural Therapies
"Light Maria Navas "
C / Doctor Ochoa, 7
Puente Genil, Córdoba
Tlfn: 957606952 / 685530602

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Christian Marriage Cruises

The Basque Government endorses the law to collect the ransom

The risk and reckless athletes pay bills at a rate of 2,200 euros per hour of helicopter and 38 by each agent

The Basque Government yesterday gave the green light to the draft amendment of Law on Fees and Public Prices that , among other innovations, incorporating the controversial new fee for 'tracking, search and rescue', with which the authorities want to curb the recklessness and abuse in distress calls that occur mainly in the mountains. From the summer , after receiving approval in Parliament, all those who have to be evacuated by emergency services while adventure sports or those who have risked their physical integrity by ignoring weather warnings must bear the cost of the operation. The bill is set to reflect the numbers involved in the rescue, duration and resources mobilized: the working hours of each staff cost EUR 37.74, 76.5 and 2,244 per vehicle using the helicopter.

Thus, a rescue that lasts two hours, involving ten agents and Ertzaintza aircraft, can reach around five thousand euros, to be loaded into the pocket of the rescued. In the case of extreme sports, which includes practical qualification as popular as surfing, mountain biking or skiing, fans can avoid paying if the federations as compulsory insurance paid by the membership fee covers rescues. In other cases, the authorities will assess whether the person rescued invaded an area designated as hazardous or ignored weather warnings orange or yellow before going out to sea or mountain views. The Minister of Economy and Finance, Carlos Aguirre, wanted to make clear that the purpose of this new fee is not revenue collection but "deterrent" against the imprudent. "Its implementation will promote insurance and coverage of such activities," he said.

The Government has taken this decision after observing the enormous increase that has occurred in recent years in the number of rescues carried out in the mountains: SOS Deiak and coordinates the operation of this type every two days. Emergency troops performed each year, on average, 98 rescues and 81 searches, which cost EU coffers public an annual expenditure of about three million euros. New rates

The measure will take effect in June . Now, the Government sent the text to the Basque Parliament for processing and approval. The reform introduces technical changes and update the existing standard rates and public prices that generate about 0.4% of government revenue. In addition to the canon of rescues, the law incorporates two new fees: for the grant of the EU eco-label companies (between 153 and 306 euros) and the accreditation of teacher quality by the agency, UNIQUAL (42.84 euros).


Cost per hour: Each agent: 37.74 euros. Vehicle: 76.5 euros. Helicopter: 2,244 euros boat: from 459 to 2,244 euros, depending on their length. Sports

risk. Scuba diving, hiking swimming, windsurfing, kitesurfing, water skiing, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, skurfer, jet skis, surfing, body boarding, rafting, hydro speed, canyoning and canyoning, canoeing, rowing, sailing with boats, bungee jumping, bungee jumping, kite buggy, quad, climbing, caving, mountain biking without a helmet, motocross, mountain motor vehicles, raid and horse trec, marches and horse riding, skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, paraski, snowbike, mushing, skibike, skibike, ballooning, parachuting, base jumping, microlight flight, flight equipment and unpowered motor, paragliding, hang gliding and parasailing.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Atlanta Horse Jump Makers

Casariche Radio Interview Newspaper Article

You can listen to the interview last week at Radio Casariche whose topic was on Happiness and Personal Choice.

Hope you like it and, above all, it is useful to you.

Para Que Sirve Quadriderm Nf Crema


cut and pasted the blog of a friend, well worth it!:

"I've never been what you would call a sports fan. My family is something Rarita, in this and some other issues, so I grew up in absolute ignorance, something tinged with contempt, any activity that is not made primarily to the head, especially from anyone who deserved the name infamous sports . My father, that made you an idea, had adopted, adapted to their way, the maxim of Concepción Arenal on crime: o pity gave the sport and the athlete , dictated when he thought that came to mind. (Not very often: was firm in his convictions, but discreet to express them.) And one of my brothers do not mind to say, whenever the circumstances so require, a gentleman with a clear conscience never not run. This phrase could be a good summary of the family attitude on the matter.
However over the years and the emancipation of the canons natural family my attitude toward the sport has been modified somewhat. As soon own business I realized I had definite advantages, exercise, mental relaxation, temporary disconnection of other concerns, social life enrichment ...- and I applied with restraint, to try to procurármelas. I played handball, swam, trisqué in the bush. All activities that looked bad, could be considered sport. Fortunately, my family also has among its oddities of being tolerant of the eccentricities of each, and he politely as if he was aware of these disagreements mine, and some occasional another brother, for the familiar pattern. As long as you do not unnecessarily exhibited in public wearing sneakers, tracksuits and other atrocities dress code, and that would not be where you keep a lot of boots mountain and other implements after each use shameful, no one had anything to say.

But instead towards sport regarded as a spectacle, this is like activity outside of that one is mere "follower" family intransigence must be more radical and, for this or for some other reason , more firmly rooted in me. The fact is that sports-entertainment, sports outside, my life has been all that: foreign. I've never experienced that I judge inexplicable alienation in which the victory of a football team, for example, who have decided to find arbitrariariamente "His" team , provides individuals afflicted with great joy, which are not based on any positive gain personal advantage from it, but exclusively in its decision to rejoice. (And it still might have some explanation, because undoubtedly rejoice, whether for whatever reason, it is always nice. But then, correspondingly, their alienation leads them to decide, with equal lack of real support, sad when "his" team lost. And really sad ..!)
In this aspect has evolved a bit. I have come to admit that some sports, like football or basketball, which are moved, varied and entertaining to watch, can be a spectacle for connoisseurs, and even laymen like me can spend some time looking at them, and come to appreciate and enjoy the intelligence or the timeliness of a play is conceived, or the skill with which it runs. Never I love, and of course, never have the slightest interest in earning one or the other, but I can get some fun watching them play.

In other instead: athletics, cycling, formula 1 ... where nothing ever happens of what a viewer is not prepared to learn without tedious and often unintelligible explanations earlier, I have never told that anyone can watch them over a minute without deciding thereupon going to do something more interesting, ie almost anything else. Is there anything more objectively boring than watching people run around a track, or swim from one side to another in a pool, or jumping fences, bike or walk miles and miles of road? Can you imagine show more leaden than a fireball after turning around a circuit? And as the results, once again, I confess total and happily able to hypnotize myself to the point of believing that I really care who wins, or the minimum incentive have for me.

may be necessary to explain to the perfect understanding of all this I say, I lack at all, by nature, by education and by choice, the child competitive drive. I've never had any interest in doing anything better others. I'm interested in just doing things well-understood by "good" how I met me -. If someone else also makes "good", fine. I try to be altruistic and empathetic, and I wish for others all the good I want for me. That that "good" of the other proves to be estimated with a criterion-not mine, of course, that is only to my own satisfaction, "better" than mine, or mine better than yours, me been lifelong absolutely indifferent. From my point of view there is neither need nor even the possibility to compare. Or is there some way to measure the respective satisfaction?

understand, however, there are activities, particularly sports, and games in general practice increases in interest as if you added incentive to "win" the other. The victory gives itself exactly the same, but the conventional interest, not personal, players to get it as part of the rules and game mechanics. A tennis match would be more "structured" and therefore more boring, "and even longer, if it were not for both players strive to make the other fail. Scoring a goal would have no interest if the other team did not try to stop it. So yes, I admit it: some sports, none that I've practiced ever, thank God for his own mechanics require that each of the players strive to win the others.

But then, this interest in a rule victory over game, one among the many mechanisms and conventions. No more important than any other rule or mechanism. A good player, therefore, should not show more interest in winning that for the enforcement of any of the rules, much less sacrifice the other rules to the goal of winning. A good player, for example, should not commit a foul to gain an advantage, or at least should not try to avoid the penalty if the perpetrator. Nor should it accept a victory thanks to a lack not sanctioned. I know what I say is an unrealistic utopia, the opposite of what actually happens every weekend week in football stadiums, but nonetheless I still think this is how it should be in good sport logic. and, of course, is how I understand it. Is not that precisely what is called sportsmanship ?

Because, despite the disdain towards sports family concrete , yes I am educated, however, respect and sportsmanship cultivation well understood: Do not give more importance to our purpose of winning any other conventions and rules that is the game, starting with the following manners and respect other players and interest sincere in playing in the same conditions and with the same opportunities as yourself. And I always surprised that more people fond of sports than me, which I suppose interest input and knowledge far superior to mine on everything related to it, give clear evidence in practice to ignore or belittle these fundamental attitudes and In fact, the contrary frontally at every opportunity. They are not isolated cases. They are the overwhelming majority, almost all say that, with very few honorable exceptions, the sports fans I know. In practice, someone is interested in sports, almost invariably, someone who is primarily interested victory "their" team, "their" broker "their" pilot "their" athlete, and only then, and according to the first interest, the technical details, plays sports and any other matter.

I have no choice but to suspect, strongly, that is my lack of interest in sports and my lack of competitiveness that make me be more "sporty" than any of the enthusiasts to the sport and passion for that victory is a matter little less than life or death. And then to conclude that the more athlete is someone less sports shows .. "

are also interesting reflections of the comments.
This is his blog:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Paalam Translation Filipino


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cubefield College University

Reason, Breast Cancer and

I invite you to read this article in the newspaper La Razon, on Sunday 27 February, where he speaks of cancer breast and various therapies that are available to address and overcome this disease. I am glad that natural therapies will increasingly have more presence in modern medicine in our country and I am pleased also to have been interviewed to provide more information on the use of reiki in breast cancer (see review by Reiki A CancerMarma-LARAZON2).

What Does Mi Paste Do To Teeth

voice of the oppressed.

Dakar 2011 / Gustave Massiah (French / English) from ATTAC.TV on Vimeo .

Monday, February 28, 2011

Driver Multimediacontroller Toshiba Portege M300

Reiki Reiki Reiki Córdoba March

This week Reiki Level I Course in Puente Genil, Córdoba


Friday, February 25, 2011

Bladder Cancer Slow Or Fast

Practicing Reiki
  Meeting colleagues and everyone reikistas  
  interested in knowing what is Reiki and experience it first hand.  
   Date: Sunday    March 27, 1917 to 19.  
   Held    Psychology Center Systems in C / Doctor Ochoa, 7, Puente Genil  
  Free support to share experiences, practice Reiki and discuss  
  with others.  
  comfortable clothing is recommended, preferably clear and socks.  
   must reserve a place and confirm attendance.   
Tlfn: 957606952 / 685530602

Convert A Recliner Into A Swivel Recliner

Practicing Reiki Level II Course in Puente Genil, Córdoba

If this course has already out of date, see the 2011 agenda with updated courses

Reiki Level II Course in Puente Genil, Cordoba

Review of First Level Reiki.

astral and mental illness, causes and self-healing mode.
positions for different diseases
Reiki 3 Reiki symbols and their uses
Knowledge and use of the pendulum
Knowledge and use crystals in Reiki sessions. Meditation
prior to initiation. Started

Second level Reiki Healing dissolve energy blockages
distance (explanation and practice)
Healing time (past, present and future).
Further Reading.
Those who have done the first level of Reiki have experienced changes in themselves, perhaps on a physical level but also probably some emotional aspects.
This course provides a deeper knowledge through the Reiki symbols, distance work in time and space that mainly helps you who are taking the course who can work with yourself and heal emotional levels that are blocked for a long time. It is certainly a benefit to you at first instance and for everyone around you.
Also, if you do professionally give Reiki sessions, you can improve and complete your work with crystals and the pendulum so that they intensify the impact of the energy transmitted through your hands.

Duration: 8 hours.
Held Psychology Center Systems in C / Doctor Ochoa, 7, Puente Genil.
Date: Sunday 13 March 1911 to 19 hours with a lunch break at noon. We recommend bringing light clothing, comfortable, socks and a pendulum.
manual is received with theoretical content, initiation, give and receive Reiki to peers using the pendulum to check the chakras and crystals in a regular session. Delivered diploma and meditation CD.
Investment: 90 euros.
Reserve and registration: If you are interested in attending this course, please book your place by paying half the amount (45 €) before the course by bank transfer (Luz Maria Holder Navas Torres, Account: BBVA 0182-5237-91-0201570437, Importantly Name, First Name and Year) or credit card.
If you pay the total course of three days at least before the total cost is € 80 (discount of 10 €), (discount deadline Thursday 10 March .)

Subscribe to ongoing

                                              Tlfn: 957606952 / 685530602

From Bridesmaids Wedding Card Messages

Reiki Level I Course in Jaén

What is Reiki, history and cultural background.
The 5 principles of Reiki, how it works, FAQs, etc.
The human energy system, subtle bodies and energy centers.
Chakras or energy centers and the 7 main chakras.
Illness and Healing. A holistic view of health.
rituals before a Reiki session
Self treatment. How to give Reiki to yourself.
Giving Reiki to another person. Full session.
prompt and effective treatment in a very short time.
Balancing the 7 main chakras. Meditation
prior to initiation. Started
Reiki class.
Giving and receiving full treatment group.
Meditation with the chakras. Exercises
protection and purification.
Further Reading.

Every day more people are looking for something different to address their mental health problems, physical and emotional. Tired from a focus on symptoms and not reaching a state of harmony and comprehensive human beings tend to seek a simple, effective and affordable for small to resolve complaints and / or issues that are much more ingrained in our being for years.
Reiki or Healing by laying on of hands is a natural therapy complementary to any medical treatment or pharmacist to help in injury recovery by accelerating the process and reducing the time needed for convalescence also reduce or even eliminate many ailments and pains both physical and emotional. It is a system that is increasingly present in our lives and in the hospital setting already being applied in many English hospitals.
But Reiki is and can be for you much more than that, it provides a different way of seeing ourselves as human beings and to see everything around us. Through the Universal Life Energy Self-knowledge can reach and connect with our inner selves changing our way of thinking, feeling and seeing life.
With this course you can learn simple techniques and easy to apply from the first day without prior knowledge or qualifications academic health specialties.
can learn to solve common minor annoyances in our lives to help you and those around you. And change your approach and way of living your life to a level of harmony and wellness.
can also begin the road to the Masters in order to give Reiki sessions to others in a more professional or even teach you everything you learn with the 3 levels so that every day more people can heal themselves.
Duration: 8 hours.
Place: European Neighborhood Association, Avda Europa, 90. Jaén.
Date: Sunday March 20, 1911 to 19 hours with a lunch break at noon. We recommend bringing light clothing, comfortable socks.
content is received theoretical manual, Reiki music CD, video full session, initiation, self-treatment and give and receive Reiki to peers.
diploma is delivered.
Investment: 65 euros.
Reserve and registration: If you are interested in attending this course, please book your place by paying half the amount (30 €) before the course by bank transfer (Luz Maria Holder Navas Torres, Account: BBVA 0182-5237-91-0201570437, important to indicate Name, First Name and Year) or credit card.
If you pay the total course of three days at least before the total cost is € 55 (discount of 10 €), (discount deadline Thursday 17 March .)

Subscribe to ongoing

Systemic Psychology Center Complementary and Natural Therapies
"Luz Maria Navas"
C / Doctor Ochoa, 7
Puente Genil, Córdoba
Tlfn: 957606952 / 685530602

Cholesterol In Cashews

Reiki Level I Course in Puente Genil, Córdoba

If this course has already out of date, see the 2011 agenda with updated courses

Level I Course Puente Genil, Córdoba


What is Reiki, history and cultural background.
The 5 principles of Reiki, how it works, FAQs, etc.
The human energy system, subtle bodies and energy centers.
Chakras or energy centers, 7 main chakras.
Illness and Healing. A holistic view of health.
rituals before a Reiki session
Self treatment. How to give Reiki to yourself.
How to give Reiki to another person. Full session.
fast and effective treatment in a very short time.
Balancing the 7 main chakras. Meditation
previous initiation.
Introduction to Reiki class.
Giving and receiving full treatment group.
Meditation with the chakras. Exercises
protection and purification.
Further Reading.

Every day more people are looking for something different to address their mental health problems, physical and emotional. Tired from a focus on symptoms and not reaching a state of harmony and comprehensive human beings tend to seek a simple, effective and affordable for small to resolve complaints and / or issues that are much more ingrained in our being for years.
Reiki or Healing by laying on of hands is a natural therapy complementary to any medical treatment or pharmacist to help in injury recovery by accelerating the process and reducing nursing time and reduce or even eliminate many ailments and both physical and emotional discomfort. It is a system that is increasingly present in our lives and in the hospital setting already being applied in many English hospitals.
But Reiki is and can be for you much more than that, it provides a different way of seeing ourselves as human beings and to see everything around us. Through the Universal Life Energy self-knowledge can reach and connect with our inner selves changing our way of thinking, feeling and seeing life.
With this course you can learn simple techniques and easy to apply from the first day without prior knowledge or academic degree in health specialties.
can learn to solve common minor annoyances in our lives to help you and those around you. And change your approach and way of living your life to a level of harmony and wellness.
can also begin the road to the Masters in order to give Reiki sessions to others in a more professional or even teach you everything you learn with the 3 levels so that every day more people can heal themselves.

Duration: 8 hours.
Held Psychology Center Systems in C / Doctor Ochoa, 7, Puente Genil
Date: Sunday March 6, 1911 to 19 hours with a break for lunch at noon we will do in the very center. Everyone brings some food and share it together.
bring light clothing is recommended, comfortable socks.
manual is received with theoretical content, Reiki music CD, Video full session, initiation, self-treatment and give and receive Reiki.
diploma is delivered.
Investment: 65 euros.
Reserve and registration: If you are interested in attending this course, please book your place by paying half the amount (30 €) before the course by bank transfer (send email to to receive the account number) or credit card.
If you pay the total course of three days at least before the total cost is € 55 (discount of 10 €).

Subscribe to ongoing

Systemic Psychology Center Complementary and Natural Therapies
"Luz Maria Navas"
C / Doctor Ochoa, 7
Puente Genil, Córdoba
Tlfn: 957606952 / 685530602

Can Develop Disposable Camera To Pc

vibrational healing

Vibrational Healing, A complete guide to energy medicine and spiritual transformation. Richard Gerber.

This book expresses
easily approach or vibrational energy medicine as well as an extensive compilation and presentation of the main energy therapies that are proving effective.

You can read it almost entirely from google books clicking here

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Build A One Seater Airplane

Live Radio Interview Workshop Casariche

Next Wednesday March 2 you can listen live at 12:30 pm from Radio 107.3 FM Casariche in or deferred to 5 in the afternoon, my collaboration within the program "Health, Prevention and Quality of Life" as theme
Happiness and will focus on personal choice.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Get Baby Phelm?


Glory Hole Columbus Oh

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