Sunday, May 8, 2011

Microsoft Mouse Ce0560

Reiki Level I course in Puente Genil, Córdoba

Si este curso ya ha pasado de fecha, consulta la agenda 2011 con los cursos actualizados

Curso Nivel I en Puente Genil,  Córdoba


Qué es Reiki, historia y origen cultural.
Los 5 principios fundamentales del Reiki, cómo funciona, preguntas frecuentes, etc.
El Sistema energético humano, cuerpos sutiles y centros energéticos.
Chakras o centros energéticos y los 7 chakras principales.
Enfermedad y Sanación. Una visión integral de la salud.
Rituales previos a una sesión Reiki
Autotratamiento. Cómo darse Reiki a uno same.
How to give Reiki to another person. Full session.
fast and effective treatment in a very short time.
Balancing the 7 main chakras. Meditation
prior to initiation.
Introduction to Reiki class.
Giving and receiving full treatment group.
Meditation with the chakras. Exercises
protection and purification.
Further Reading.

Every day more people are looking for something different to address their mental health problems, physical and emotional. Tired from a focus on symptoms and not reaching a state of harmony and comprehensive human beings tend to seek a simple, effective and affordable for small to resolve complaints and / or issues that are much more ingrained in our being for years.
Reiki or Healing by laying on of hands is a natural therapy complementary to any medical treatment or pharmacist to help in injury recovery by accelerating the process and reducing nursing time and reduce or even eliminate many ailments and pains both physical and emotional. It is a system that is increasingly present in our lives and in the hospital setting already being applied in many English hospitals.
But Reiki is and can be for you much more than that, it provides a different way of seeing ourselves as human beings and to see everything around us. Through the Universal Life Energy Self-knowledge can reach and connect with our inner selves changing our way of thinking, feeling and seeing life.
With this course you can learn simple techniques and easy to apply from the first day without prior knowledge or academic degree in health specialties.
can learn to solve common minor annoyances in our lives to help you and those around you. And change your approach and way of living your life to a level of harmony and wellness.
can also begin the road to the Masters in order to give Reiki sessions to others in a more professional or even teach you everything you learn with the 3 levels so that every day more people can heal themselves.

Duration: 8 hours.
Held Psychology Center Systems in C / Doctor Ochoa, 7, Puente Genil
Date: Sunday June 5, 1911 to 19 hours with a lunch break mid day that we at the Centre. Everyone brings something and share food together.
recommend bringing light clothing, comfortable socks.
manual is received with theoretical content, Reiki music CD, Video full session, initiation, self-treatment and give and receive Reiki.
diploma certificate is delivered by the English Federation of Reiki.
Investment: 65 euros.
Reserve and registration: If you are interested in attending this course, please book your place by paying half the amount (30 €) before the course by bank transfer in BBVA 0182 5237 91 0201570437 indicando nombre y apellido   o con tarjeta de crédito.
Si realizas el pago del total  del curso con tres días como mínimo de antelación el coste total es de 55 €  ( descuento de 10 € ) .
Inscríbete al curso

Centro de Psicología Sistémica y Terapias Naturales Complementarias
“Luz Maria Navas "
C / Doctor Ochoa, 7
Puente Genil, Córdoba
Tlfn: 957606952 / 685530602

Communite Service Letter

Chat - Workshop: Reiki, a natural therapy, simply and efficiently available to all / as

encompassed within the Women's Health Program and 2011 organized by the Department of Women's Distinguished Ayto de Puente Genil, Córdoba.
On Wednesday 25 May 1918 to 20 hours in the House of the Citizen.
lectures and practical workshop completely free until all seats.

Jackastors Lobster And Crab Dip

Tertulia in the Campos Reina Puente Genil

included within the 2011 Women's Health program organized by the Department of Women Town Hall Distinguished Puente Genil, Cordoba, next Monday May 16 will take place at the gathering 18 hours

"Happiness as a personal choice."

Admission is free and allowed to fill seats.

Belkin F6d4050 Kubuntu

As a man thinketh, so is

As a man thinketh, so is. James Allen,

Great book and also very small, easy and enjoyable. Clear explanation of how our thoughts determine our view of ourselves and the reality that surrounds us.

You can read it by clicking here

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sunbreeze Essential Oil Pregnancy

Intelligence Course Casariche emotional, Sevilla

Learn to channel your emotions.

begins today in the house Casariche Youth, Sevilla, this highly practical and experiential course where we learn a lot more of us as same / as well as improve our emotional intelligence by recognizing our emotions, all of them and channeling in a healthy, effective and true.

Every Friday (six in total) from 17 to 19 hours.

This activity is within the Education for Peace program and you can still sign up if you really care home, to make contact with Rocio Martin on 954011808 or send email to

Thursday, May 5, 2011

After Having Cryocautery

A criminal speculation

April 18, 2011

Xavier Caño Tamayo -

According to a report by Lehman Brothers, speculative investment in food has increased from 13,000 million dollars in 2003 to 260,000 million in 2008. The food crisis was triggered this year, no doubt, by the wild speculation and rising prices for basic food, not bad crops and because India and China consume more food than before. Wheat and corn rose on average 25%, there were riots in forty countries and more than 130 million people were added to the legion of hungry. In 2007 he had succeeded in reducing the world's undernourished to 850 million, but thanks to speculation and food are 1,100 million.

The price of food is marked with so-called futures contracts that are bought and sold for a while dozens of times, speculating on the rise and fall of the price. Although no one actually tries to buy these foods, only speculate, Veterinarians Without Borders report. Moreover, multinational food as Bunge, Dupont, Cargill, ADM and Syngenta control over 70% of the grain supply and make prices I agree to obtain billions of profits. While Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Santander, BBVA, Deutsche Bank ... speculate on food prices and present this speculative investment as safe and profitable sector.

But talk of an indisputable human right: the right to life, to a dignified existence. And poverty and hunger can not live with dignity. So Jean Ziegler, vice president of the Advisory Council of the UN Human Rights, complained that "it is an absurdity that food prices are set by the Exchange. Should be removed from the speculation. "

Ziegler insists that "food must be declared public good and its price determined by negotiation between producer and consumer countries. The system developed to make it the UNCTD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), but large multinational corporations have been discarded. " According

denounces the "Movement two Landless Rural Workers (MST) in Brazil and the international Via Campesina, the causes of rising food prices are oligopolistic control a few companies have on world wheat trade, maize, rice, soy, milk ... more speculation of large investors in the stock of agricultural products. More pure financial speculation, because the banks invest in food, safer than stocks. More privatization of public services for agriculture, placed under the control of multinational corporations. Over the obscene position of the World Trade Organization became a mere commodity food ...

Ziegler complained that " are criminal law enforcement structures of the world that made the slaughter hunger everyday. Criminal structures and the export of products at prices much lower than at home, as does the European Union, which exported agricultural products to Africa at very low prices and destroy African agriculture. And it is a criminal structure stock speculation of big hedge funds (vulture funds) with rice, wheat, maize and millet, the staple foods of the world. "

To Heiner Flassbeck, chief economist at the UNCTD, the current rapid rise in food prices is as dangerous as that of 2008. And the main cause remains the same: the speculation: "The markets for agricultural commodities can not find appropriate prices and because they have been corrupted by financial adventurers," says Flassbeck, convinced that the international community must intervene to eliminate bubbles raw food before it is too late.

As Gandhi said , " hunger is an insult, humiliate, dehumanize, destroy the body and spirit, is the most murderous there." And Juan Torres rivets that " poverty is no disgrace nor famine, natural disaster. Poverty and hunger are a disgrace, a real organized crime. " So if our world had not fallen in democracy and justice in the last twenty years of imposition of neoliberalism, food speculators and their accomplices would be in jail, properly prosecuted, tried and convicted.
