Friday, April 8, 2011

Refugee Camps In Senagal

Me and my life circumstances

This is perhaps an extension of the previous article but I wanted to cover broader issues and also important in our lives and not just the couple.

Again we encounter the belief that without realizing they are the source of both absurd and unnecessary suffering of human beings and what is worse, cause we get to do atrocities in their name.

When we identify so much with what we believe to be based on have or have no partner, offspring or not, work, success, recognition, material goods ... we get lost in reality in the world of forms, ie the external and changing continuously.

Under this we have sold the bike that we must be perfect and we must have, especially in this consumer society where so much you are worth.

So when you cease to be that you are supposed to possess, the problems begin or worse if you have not succeeded yet, little hard because when you are lacking one thing you lack another, because then you are most unhappy.

Sincerely, I say, not only have seen many people suffer in my office, if not from personal experience as a human being to live in that state of identification with what I'm supposed to have for be happy, is a condemnation of continued suffering.

We always something going on when it is not a partner, is our children, when in love, so good, we fail the job or money, or friends, or so many things in our lives .
There is always a reason to be worried, angry, fearful, resentful, ... ultimately by who suffer.

I think we look for happiness in the wrong place leaving all our power on the outside and so we are like a ship adrift.
The place, for me, is within us and get to it is easier than it seems, just have to love, work hard and be consistent.
years we have been thinking, feeling and acting a way to change beliefs is not easy but certainly possible and let go of ideas to get your heart a more at your fingertips than you think.

This message is dedicated to you because you are the center TCU your life, you can connect with yourself to and feeling at home, in your true home, wherever you are, no matter what happens outside.
As a human being can enjoy and feel happier even when wonderful things are in your life and experience pain or sadness at a loss, but you can always feel at home where everything is good, where everything you see in the outside world in the background is a game, an illusion and when you start to see it and everything changes.
When I say I and my life circumstances I refer specifically to this, I am and I have that inner peace space Firmware if I focus on myself and my life circumstances are temporary and constantly changing. I learn every day to savor, enjoy and say goodbye to those that are sometimes with pain and say a cheery hello and enthusiastically to new entrants.


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