The emotional intelligence is a theoretical model to explain the personal and professional success, which depends not only on IQ, but a series of factors such as managing emotions, empathy, motivation, etc. . The characteristics of the so-called emotional intelligence: the ability to motivate ourselves, to persevere in the effort despite the possible frustrations, to control impulses, to defer gratification, to regulate our own moods, to prevent anxiety interfere with our rational faculties and the ability to empathize with and trust others.
The Library proposes to anyone interested in the subject to discover, in two sessions, we proposed the Psychologist Luz Maria Navas.
The Library proposes to anyone interested in the subject to discover, in two sessions, we proposed the Psychologist Luz Maria Navas.
Location: Public Library "Ana de Castro"
Date: 29 and 30 April, 8 hours in total.
Information: Charo Guerrero
Tlfn: 926 311660
Pre-registration is required, limited seats.
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