Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tatoo On Female Genitalia


Access: We will address Coll Nargo at the entrance there is a junction on the left that leads to Isona. The road climbs up to the Coll de Boixols and soon find Boixols village, right in the center of town and next to the church leave the car. Approach
10 minutes: From the church take the street on the left to find a well paved road on your left, continue a few meters to find a path that will take us to the river, here begins the descent.

Return 30 minutes: Once past the stone bridge, the last rappel, take the path of right and will go back to the bridge. Continuing along the path until you reach the road once there we will continue right along the road to the village of Boixols.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Formal Letter For Car Allotment

Psychological Help by Email

Looking psychological help but have a very limited budget?
Need advice from a professional psychologist?
Got a problem point or question that could be resolved only
a query by email?
you looking specifically for email support, you may be physically far from my office in person or perhaps you are close but do prefer the intimacy and privacy of your home or workplace, getting in my counseling your incoming mailbox.
Even if you've a query face / virtual me, I would like to invite you to read the iguiente information can be helpful to know more and see how I work in the field of psychology. This information can serve to value my opinion or guidance in the response to send you e-mail.
I always say that my door is like many / as psychologists and each has his methods and work in a particular way because in the last and first are people and, at least I always give that human touch is part of me in my work.
attention in the email perhaps more common queries are more specific and concrete in time but also carried out continuous work with people far removed physically from me who like this kind of help for several reasons:
  • This affordable.
    provides intimacy and privacy
  • People feel confident to express themselves freely
  • rdudas able to resolve or receive advice that may not be enough to hire a query.
How I can hire consulting psychology by email?
- You can pay NOW dePayPal through paying with your credit card and sending information by email and / or attachment of your problem or query trying to provide the much information of interest and relevance for you to:
; ; ; ;

- You can also transfer / bank deposit.
Sieliges the latter option, please send email to
and bank details will refer you to the entrance.

Please note that payment is made prior to the consultation by email, after confirming the payment of the same, I can take up to 48 hours in answer.

I hope that all the information you have provided may be of your interest and help you decide if you really want to have my support and professional services.

Before closing I would like to say that if you're here in this section and is reading this because you're looking for help, you're looking for a way to improve your current situation and sincerely hope you find it, in my or someone else, but you find someone to accompany you to not crash, so you grabbed a man and pull forward, but remember, and this is very important for me,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Csr Bluetooth Drivers


Friday, April 8, 2011

Refugee Camps In Senagal

Me and my life circumstances

This is perhaps an extension of the previous article but I wanted to cover broader issues and also important in our lives and not just the couple.

Again we encounter the belief that without realizing they are the source of both absurd and unnecessary suffering of human beings and what is worse, cause we get to do atrocities in their name.

When we identify so much with what we believe to be based on have or have no partner, offspring or not, work, success, recognition, material goods ... we get lost in reality in the world of forms, ie the external and changing continuously.

Under this we have sold the bike that we must be perfect and we must have, especially in this consumer society where so much you are worth.

So when you cease to be that you are supposed to possess, the problems begin or worse if you have not succeeded yet, little hard because when you are lacking one thing you lack another, because then you are most unhappy.

Sincerely, I say, not only have seen many people suffer in my office, if not from personal experience as a human being to live in that state of identification with what I'm supposed to have for be happy, is a condemnation of continued suffering.

We always something going on when it is not a partner, is our children, when in love, so good, we fail the job or money, or friends, or so many things in our lives .
There is always a reason to be worried, angry, fearful, resentful, ... ultimately by who suffer.

I think we look for happiness in the wrong place leaving all our power on the outside and so we are like a ship adrift.
The place, for me, is within us and get to it is easier than it seems, just have to love, work hard and be consistent.
years we have been thinking, feeling and acting a way to change beliefs is not easy but certainly possible and let go of ideas to get your heart a more at your fingertips than you think.

This message is dedicated to you because you are the center TCU your life, you can connect with yourself to and feeling at home, in your true home, wherever you are, no matter what happens outside.
As a human being can enjoy and feel happier even when wonderful things are in your life and experience pain or sadness at a loss, but you can always feel at home where everything is good, where everything you see in the outside world in the background is a game, an illusion and when you start to see it and everything changes.
When I say I and my life circumstances I refer specifically to this, I am and I have that inner peace space Firmware if I focus on myself and my life circumstances are temporary and constantly changing. I learn every day to savor, enjoy and say goodbye to those that are sometimes with pain and say a cheery hello and enthusiastically to new entrants.

Mount&balde Seialnumber

I'm an Orange Whole

I think we've raised in the belief that we need to find that person that somehow we will complete and complement what we lack. That person you share the rest of our life, with which we will be happy and will no longer be two halves if not one, because in the end "we have found our soul mate."

This is something we hear from small, in the stories, especially, shows how the princess finally found the man and woman are married and happily ever after forever.

sounds great but the reality is very different and without realizing we create more suffering, totally unnecessary, seeing that we achieve this ideal we have in our mind.

As always the solution lies in the problem itself, however, seems not so popular question beliefs that are rooted in us, we as true without thinking how far are true and above all, how much benefit we and contribute to our happiness.

dedicate our lives to look for that perfect match gives us something that until then had, and then to maintain that relationship at all costs creating dependency sometimes unhealthy because if we lose, it seems that we cease to exist, we become imperfect, something we lack, our life is meaningless ...

From my point of view there is a difference between loving someone and feel happiness and joy to share your life with her and feel that your life has meaning because of the presence of this person in it and if needed you die.

I think many people would agree that the second option is not healthy, especially, because if your happiness depends on the presence or absence of a partner or what I do or not do, you're doomed to continued suffering.

For me I am too a whole orange and I have the joy of sharing my life with a wonderful human being as is my husband. His presence in my life it is worth much more worthwhile to be lived and that enjoy and savor, it also gives me the opportunity to grow and learn while still in relationship with him as with other people but I'm not an incomplete being who became a whole lot to marry.

is very easy to create dependencies with people and not just the couple, sometimes we confuse our desire to be express and share with someone with dependence, but this basically means the imperative to be with that person because if you feel that you die . For this unfortunately kept many stormy relationships.

As said earlier, the solution is in trouble, when you change that belief and see that you are the center, you have a state of unchanging peace within yourself no matter what happens outside, when look and see that everything outside is changing continuously and therefore temporary, and it can not hold or control, you fall in some way to savor every moment you share with your partner from love and from freedom, but above all, loving yourself, feeling full and harmony forever.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How To Install Oakley Visor

Boixols Forat de Seminaris EFCE - 2011




Friday, April 1, 2011

Hindi Song On New Born Baby

Emotional Intelligence Course "Learn to Express Your Emotions"

With this course you get to know you better and grow as a person, and learn in a practical and concrete to channel your emotions both positive and may be more harmful to you, discover how to free yourself from anger, rage, frustration, guilt, resentment, regret ... and healthier to express the joy, love and affection for others. The registration fee is 10 Euros / person. This activity is part of Education for Peace and is responsible for the Psychologist Luz Maria Navas.

The start date is yet to be determined but will be held on Friday afternoon from 17 to 19 hours in the Youth House Casariche.

For information and registration Juventuppo Spring, you can go to CITY Casariche, and ask for: Rocío Martín (ADJ), Monday through Friday 8 to 2:30, and / or Wednesday 4:30 to 7 hours in the Youth House. Tlfn: 954019911 and / or also in the Youth House, Asking for Pepi Valverde (ADJ), Monday through Friday 4 to 7 hours. Tlfn: 954011592. Do it as soon as possible as places are limited.

Free Movies Of Miosotis

Relaxation Course Valdepeñas Emotional Intelligence, Ciudad Real

The emotional intelligence is a theoretical model to explain the personal and professional success, which depends not only on IQ, but a series of factors such as managing emotions, empathy, motivation, etc. . The characteristics of the so-called emotional intelligence: the ability to motivate ourselves, to persevere in the effort despite the possible frustrations, to control impulses, to defer gratification, to regulate our own moods, to prevent anxiety interfere with our rational faculties and the ability to empathize with and trust others.

The Library proposes to anyone interested in the subject to discover, in two sessions, we proposed the Psychologist Luz Maria Navas.

Location: Public Library "Ana de Castro"
Date: 29 and 30 April, 8 hours in total.
Information: Charo Guerrero
Tlfn: 926 311660

Pre-registration is required, limited seats.

Coconut Milk Benefits For Thyroid

Body Style Change For Tahoe?

Guided Relaxation Reiki Level I Course Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real

If this course has already out of date, see the 2011 agenda with updated courses

Valdepeñas Level I Course, Ciudad Real


What is Reiki, history and cultural background.
The 5 principles fundamentals of Reiki, how it works, FAQs, etc.
The human energy system, subtle bodies and energy centers.
Chakras or energy centers, 7 main chakras.
Illness and Healing. A holistic view of health.
rituals before a Reiki session
Self treatment. How to give Reiki to yourself.
How to give Reiki to another person. Full session.
fast and effective treatment in a very short time.
Balancing the 7 main chakras. Meditation
prior to initiation.
Introduction to Reiki class.
Giving and receiving full treatment group.
Meditation with the chakras. Exercises
protection and purification.
Further Reading.

Every day more people are looking for something different to address their mental health problems, physical and emotional. Tired from a focus on symptoms and not reaching a state of harmony and comprehensive human beings tend to seek a simple, effective and affordable for small to resolve complaints and / or issues that are much more ingrained in our being for years.
Reiki or Healing by laying on of hands is a natural therapy complementary to any other medical or pharmaceutical assistance en la recuperación de lesiones acelerando el proceso y reduciendo el tiempo necesario de convalecencia, además de reducir hasta eliminar otras muchas dolencias y molestias tanto físicas como emocionales. Es un sistema cada vez más presente en nuestras vidas y en el entorno hospitalario aplicándose ya en muchos hospitales españoles.
Pero Reiki es y puede ser para ti mucho más que esto, aporta una forma distinta de vernos a nosotros mismos como seres humanos y de ver todo lo que nos rodea. A través de la Energía Vital Universal podemos llegar al auto conocimiento y conectar con nuestro Ser Interior cambiando nuestra forma de pensar, de sentir y de ver la Vida.
Con este curso puedes aprender técnicas simple and easy to apply from the first day without prior knowledge or academic degree in health specialties.
can learn to solve common minor annoyances in our lives to help you and those around you. And change your approach and way of living your life to a level of harmony and wellness.
can also begin the road to the Masters in order to give Reiki sessions to others in a more professional or even teach you everything you learn with the 3 levels so that every day more people can heal themselves.

Duration: 8 hours.

Held The place is yet to be determined, if you offer your home or
other environment where we can take the course with a capacity of 5 to 7
people the course is free for you .

Date: Sunday May 1, 1910 18 hours with a lunch break at noon we will do on site. Everyone brings some food and share it together.
recommend bringing light clothing, comfortable socks.
manual is received with theoretical content, Reiki music CD, Video full session, initiation, self-treatment and give and receive Reiki.
diploma is delivered.

Investment: 65 euros.
Reserve and registration: If you are interested in attending this course, please book your place by paying half the amount (30 €) before the course by bank transfer ( BBVA 0182 / 5237 / 91 / 0201570437 indicating name and Reiki 1 May) or credit card.
If you make full payment of the course with at least three days before the total cost is € 55 (discount of 10 €).

Subscribe to ongoing

Note! If the course for personal reasons could not make it would proceed to the repayment of the amounts contributed as a reserve it.

Systemic Psychology Center Complementary and Natural Therapies
"Light Maria Navas "
C / Doctor Ochoa, 7
Puente Genil, Córdoba
Tlfn: 957606952 / 685530602