tract is three independents on seminaris Progressio INSTAL.LACIÓ I Equipaments I PROGRESSIO IN GRANS CAVITATS.

Days: Saturday 31 October and 1 November 2009 Sunday
Saturday 31 October. ; Morning Meeting
Mountain Club of Terrace Talk
theoretical material personal and collective
Talk progression by string theory sobreTècniques
Talk about Talk
Exploration Logistics theoretical Installation of Vertical Cavity
Saturday 31 October. Afternoon: Practice
out on the rocks peppered
Sunday November 1 All day: Departure
Practice advancement of the Left
Price: $ 40 includes material information and material group.
Dates: Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 November 2009
Friday November 7: Morning Meeting in
Talk Anchors theoretical type and characteristics
theoretical Talk Equipment Techniques Special equipment and materials
Saturday 7 November: Afternoon Practice
wall installation and equipment
Sunday November 8 All day. Practice
out in different cavities Pallars Jussà
Price: 80 Euros includes documentation material and material group. and full board in hostel.
Days: Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November 2009
Saturday November 28: Morning Meeting in
Arba area (France)
theoretical Talk about installation of Talk a cavity Alpina
theoretical Logistics Exploration of a cavity average
Chat Technical and theoretical maneuvers sleepers Integral Talk
theoretical training to practice potholing
Sunday November 29: All day. Out sockets
practice in the area.
costs 100 euros includes material information and material group. and half board in hostel. The
/ want the Certificate in PT Espelologia, you must perform the three seminars. You can do them all this year or spread them, (1 or 2 now and the rest next year), although this should be given only when the certificate of PT have been three seminars.
If you have any questions. You write: ESUFER@HOTMAIL.ES, ECE.EDUARD.SUAREZ @ FCE.CAT, CIATE@FCE.CAT or call me at Tlfs. 647764770 or 679670544. The
/ the interested / from the need to do quickly register for the Fede, indicating which workshops you wish to sign up. Thanks for your
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