returned to the area of \u200b\u200bAriege (France) this time we made the Vicdessos Riviere, cruise-Echelles Grille (Sakany System) and Gouffre of Génat. We
on Friday at noon at the campsite located in Vicdessos, after sitting in one of the bungalows and eat something, we went to make the passage of the Riviere de Vicdessos, this journey and we had made in advance and it is ideal for afternoon and that their movement is very short but very beautiful. Back in
the camp began to prepare the material for the next day to make our passage Grille-pour it. This trip is within Sakany system which has 8 inputs.

We got on Saturday and split into two groups, J. Sanchez, Ivan and Garrido enter through Grille and R. Ruiz and J. Gallego entered by pour it, are changed and each group will go through the mouth opposite to that entered.
To reach Grille's mouth or pour it, take direction Tarascon right on the square in front of the municipality of Quie leave the car.
R. Ruiz and J. Gallego and we pour it. We have to install a 25 in the pit entrance, down the well once we started looking for the famous stairs that lead us to the collector, once located, they are certainly hiding something decided before beginning the descent to explore the area we .
Go back to the stairs and started descent, the stairs are a bit rusty but they are very safe, only one of the sections placed a rope for safety. Once in the collector, the cavity volume change completely, going down by about 3 meters wells in diameter we find ourselves in a kind of room that our lights do not reach the walls.
Collector is of great beauty, many Gours and formations, all irrigated by water. We reached a point where the roof starts to fall while we have arrástranos order to progress. On the right are access to Jumeaux wells.
With walkie-talkis a while ago that we communicate with the other group, now we only need to pass a small rolling upward to meet physically with our partners. Overcome the rolling mill which has its charms and "chapo" the rest of the group is waiting for us with a smile from ear to ear.
After changing information, each group moves on. To us to remove the pits.
wells are large
is and the facilities are good, we should also mention that the wells are ready to make the journey recovering rope.
Once outside the cavity, we connect the Walvis and talk to the other group, which at one time it had risen. Once in the cars we drive to the campsite to eat and asearnos a bit.
At 18.30 we went to the Grotte de la Petite Caougno . This cavity is prohibited from May 1 to September 30 on the subject of bats. The tour is very short but its about 250mts great gallery worth visiting.
Then we went to the Grotte de Niaux , naturally find it closed because it is a tourist cave with many paintings. Then we made some sightseeing around the area and back to the campsite. Today
touches the decline of Génat Grouffre , after talking with the mayor of the people I identify and Federated began the descent.
touches the decline of Génat Grouffre , after talking with the mayor of the people I identify and Federated began the descent.
funny thing is that this cavity is located in the center of town Génat and we have to lift a manhole so that it can descend. This chasm descend to -200 having 3 variants a main road that goes down to -45 another and another until -60. We began the descent well something close to a few meters in diameter change reaching a much larger gallery. At this point we take the ramp on the right on how we would
the main road.
After a short foil is at the head of a well after falling which puts us in another rail crossing. To go on the main road we have to scale (the string is in fixed) about 4 feet and go through a little narrow. We chose to continue on the path that descends to -60 and not have much time. A series of shafts lead us to the end of the road, which has many formations.
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