cut and pasted the blog of a friend, well worth it!:
"I've never been what you would call a sports fan. My family is something Rarita, in this and some other issues, so I grew up in absolute ignorance, something tinged with contempt, any activity that is not made primarily to the head, especially from anyone who deserved the name infamous sports . My father, that made you an idea, had adopted, adapted to their way, the maxim of Concepción Arenal on crime: o pity gave the sport and the athlete , dictated when he thought that came to mind. (Not very often: was firm in his convictions, but discreet to express them.) And one of my brothers do not mind to say, whenever the circumstances so require, a gentleman with a clear conscience never not run. This phrase could be a good summary of the family attitude on the matter.

In this aspect has evolved a bit. I have come to admit that some sports, like football or basketball, which are moved, varied and entertaining to watch, can be a spectacle for connoisseurs, and even laymen like me can spend some time looking at them, and come to appreciate and enjoy the intelligence or the timeliness of a play is conceived, or the skill with which it runs. Never I love, and of course, never have the slightest interest in earning one or the other, but I can get some fun watching them play.
In other instead: athletics, cycling, formula 1 ... where nothing ever happens of what a viewer is not prepared to learn without tedious and often unintelligible explanations earlier, I have never told that anyone can watch them over a minute without deciding thereupon going to do something more interesting, ie almost anything else. Is there anything more objectively boring than watching people run around a track, or swim from one side to another in a pool, or jumping fences, bike or walk miles and miles of road? Can you imagine show more leaden than a fireball after turning around a circuit? And as the results, once again, I confess total and happily able to hypnotize myself to the point of believing that I really care who wins, or the minimum incentive have for me.

understand, however, there are activities, particularly sports, and games in general practice increases in interest as if you added incentive to "win" the other. The victory gives itself exactly the same, but the conventional interest, not personal, players to get it as part of the rules and game mechanics. A tennis match would be more "structured" and therefore more boring, "and even longer, if it were not for both players strive to make the other fail. Scoring a goal would have no interest if the other team did not try to stop it. So yes, I admit it: some sports, none that I've practiced ever, thank God for his own mechanics require that each of the players strive to win the others.
But then, this interest in a rule victory over game, one among the many mechanisms and conventions. No more important than any other rule or mechanism. A good player, therefore, should not show more interest in winning that for the enforcement of any of the rules, much less sacrifice the other rules to the goal of winning. A good player, for example, should not commit a foul to gain an advantage, or at least should not try to avoid the penalty if the perpetrator. Nor should it accept a victory thanks to a lack not sanctioned. I know what I say is an unrealistic utopia, the opposite of what actually happens every weekend week in football stadiums, but nonetheless I still think this is how it should be in good sport logic. and, of course, is how I understand it. Is not that precisely what is called sportsmanship ?
Because, despite the disdain towards sports family concrete , yes I am educated, however, respect and sportsmanship cultivation well understood: Do not give more importance to our purpose of winning any other conventions and rules that is the game, starting with the following manners and respect other players and interest sincere in playing in the same conditions and with the same opportunities as yourself. And I always surprised that more people fond of sports than me, which I suppose interest input and knowledge far superior to mine on everything related to it, give clear evidence in practice to ignore or belittle these fundamental attitudes and In fact, the contrary frontally at every opportunity. They are not isolated cases. They are the overwhelming majority, almost all say that, with very few honorable exceptions, the sports fans I know. In practice, someone is interested in sports, almost invariably, someone who is primarily interested victory "their" team, "their" broker "their" pilot "their" athlete, and only then, and according to the first interest, the technical details, plays sports and any other matter.
I have no choice but to suspect, strongly, that is my lack of interest in sports and my lack of competitiveness that make me be more "sporty" than any of the enthusiasts to the sport and passion for that victory is a matter little less than life or death. And then to conclude that the more athlete is someone less sports shows .. "
are also interesting reflections of the comments.
This is his blog:

Because, despite the disdain towards sports family concrete , yes I am educated, however, respect and sportsmanship cultivation well understood: Do not give more importance to our purpose of winning any other conventions and rules that is the game, starting with the following manners and respect other players and interest sincere in playing in the same conditions and with the same opportunities as yourself. And I always surprised that more people fond of sports than me, which I suppose interest input and knowledge far superior to mine on everything related to it, give clear evidence in practice to ignore or belittle these fundamental attitudes and In fact, the contrary frontally at every opportunity. They are not isolated cases. They are the overwhelming majority, almost all say that, with very few honorable exceptions, the sports fans I know. In practice, someone is interested in sports, almost invariably, someone who is primarily interested victory "their" team, "their" broker "their" pilot "their" athlete, and only then, and according to the first interest, the technical details, plays sports and any other matter.
I have no choice but to suspect, strongly, that is my lack of interest in sports and my lack of competitiveness that make me be more "sporty" than any of the enthusiasts to the sport and passion for that victory is a matter little less than life or death. And then to conclude that the more athlete is someone less sports shows .. "
are also interesting reflections of the comments.
This is his blog:
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