--((( song to put play for while: All my little words of Magnetic Fields ) ))---The machine caught me. Work cornered me. I sold the iPod and my compacs Dameunacanciónbuena! I scratched. All. Or almost everyone. now live. Or almost alive. Anyway, I'm blogging. It is not the same, but is entertaining as well.
www.blogcochajoven.com is a personal project that was supported and lucas of Cocha to go. Dameunacanciónbuena! follow. I swear. I can not throw the toilet all mp3ero capital that exists in this blog. And I have love. A lot. In fact, it came to me from the Zone, and from Cocha.
Now I bite my fingers (yes, fingers, look Mongolian) for not recommending a couple of mess mp3titos to your playlist. But that would betray the Píritu is this post in particular.
return, as the pelican returns to the dead butch. I'll have thousands of songs good again, and thousands of mp3 to download. I promise.
U pay me But today is more important.
the end, "how sad" were only words. My words. A few little words. I hope you liked everything. I miss it.
And still hear my compacs.
---((( alternative song, in case you did not like the other, or read very slow: Beirut - Elephant Gun )))---

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