NOTICE OF PUBLIC UTILITY : not read the last article in www.zona.cl Tupper, the owner came up gil as "Give me a pop song, and I do not I believe in coincidences. Fuck you, Tupper.
Anyway, proceed.
turni up here The flame Colin Hay, former lead singer of Men at Work and owner of Temon as Land Down Under and It's a Mistake .
What made this fifties no less intelligent covereó todos los éxitos de su banda pasada a sintetizador que le cantaba en el desierto arriba de una van hippie a los hombres musculosos de Bruselas . ¿Qué más ochenta que este tipo de incoherencias? Nada.
¿Y quién es más idóneo para hacer covers que el mismo que inventó las canciones hace dos décadas? Nadie.
El resultado es " Man At Work " (con A, ¿se fijaron?), un disco ¿tributo? a su pasado y hitazos que a tantos nos gustaron alguna vez.
¿Cómo supe de este pelado colorín? Fácil. Uno: porque soy fanático de Scrubs , the series where my idol out Zach Braff (the same Garden State, that the series also serves as director and writer). And two, because I read Zona.cl (but only Daniela Herrera because Tupper is a plagiarist stalk) and she did an excellent overview of the good songs they played in the series .
And yes, although this has been sounded half gay, Braff is my idol. So what? Some have the chin with increasing idol Ivan Zamorano, I I have a guy who is half genius and generating alternative to Hollywood. And it seems, shows, or representation.
Anyway. Braff musicalizar personally cares and does things. A clear example, as I said on this page, is Garden State. Another is Scrubs , the great number of doctors post adolescent who laughs at ER , Grey's Anatomy , Friends and all the other sitcoms that start with letters and are indigestible and overacted.
See the following video to understand what I mean. Y pillen a Colin Hay entremedio.
¿Quieren saber algo más de mi ídolo? (Sí, me quedé pegao, lo sé)
El hombre fue compañero de Lauryn Hill en el colegio (la única morena que me ha gustado en mi vida). También fue compañero de Ahmed Best , quien hizo la voz para el ultraodiado Jar Jar Binks , se pololió a la exquisités de Bonnie Somerville (a quien le pidió componer un temón para el Garden State soundtrack) and also the Mandy Moore (yes, Too bad, but walking is better now than blonde) and her best friend in real life is Donald Faison. Yes, Dr. Turk, his best friend in the series as well.
And, most importantly, was born on April 6, just like me.
more annoying not the megalomania. Lean down here to start downloading music:
Anyway, proceed.
turni up here The flame Colin Hay, former lead singer of Men at Work and owner of Temon as Land Down Under and It's a Mistake .
What made this fifties no less intelligent covereó todos los éxitos de su banda pasada a sintetizador que le cantaba en el desierto arriba de una van hippie a los hombres musculosos de Bruselas . ¿Qué más ochenta que este tipo de incoherencias? Nada.
¿Y quién es más idóneo para hacer covers que el mismo que inventó las canciones hace dos décadas? Nadie.
El resultado es " Man At Work " (con A, ¿se fijaron?), un disco ¿tributo? a su pasado y hitazos que a tantos nos gustaron alguna vez.
¿Cómo supe de este pelado colorín? Fácil. Uno: porque soy fanático de Scrubs , the series where my idol out Zach Braff (the same Garden State, that the series also serves as director and writer). And two, because I read Zona.cl (but only Daniela Herrera because Tupper is a plagiarist stalk) and she did an excellent overview of the good songs they played in the series .
And yes, although this has been sounded half gay, Braff is my idol. So what? Some have the chin with increasing idol Ivan Zamorano, I I have a guy who is half genius and generating alternative to Hollywood. And it seems, shows, or representation.
Anyway. Braff musicalizar personally cares and does things. A clear example, as I said on this page, is Garden State. Another is Scrubs , the great number of doctors post adolescent who laughs at ER , Grey's Anatomy , Friends and all the other sitcoms that start with letters and are indigestible and overacted.
See the following video to understand what I mean. Y pillen a Colin Hay entremedio.
¿Quieren saber algo más de mi ídolo? (Sí, me quedé pegao, lo sé)

And, most importantly, was born on April 6, just like me.
more annoying not the megalomania. Lean down here to start downloading music:
- To downloder Overkill, acoustic Temon Colin Hay , the song that review in this post and out in the video above, click here.
- To download Overkill , the original time-away my favorite song some years ago - click here.
- If you want on your computer the rest of the hitazos of Men at Work , click here to download: " It's a Mistake ", " Land Down Under "and" Who Can It Be Now. "
- And if you do not convince yourself that Scrubs has played in the 6 seasons that leads to great music and be worthy of Temon Dameunacanciónbuena! , click here to download " Murder of one " of 90terísimos Counting Crows. A clear example temazos factory that is this series. If until the song started is remarkable.
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