With the unbearable heat that has made these past few days it occurred to me to get ahead of the summer. And yes, many of you perspire Girardi when he was appointed as Publicam in the middle of the blocks and, no matter if they are in your car with many subwoofers or have white headphones chantas to pose as two separate owners of iPods, they want to hear a good song to hang. And maybe hum. And if you have, to sing.
Here is the list of Japi (happy) songs for the summer. A very eclectic selection to define the compact itself. And that's wishful thinking. Feel
Beach, échense back, Take off your shoes and sink batting. That is, until the car behind them honk or, failing that, they pass the location in the micro.
Here is the list of Japi (happy) songs for the summer. A very eclectic selection to define the compact itself. And that's wishful thinking. Feel
Beach, échense back, Take off your shoes and sink batting. That is, until the car behind them honk or, failing that, they pass the location in the micro.
- La Vela Puerca - De tie. These are some Uruguayans addicts com put er ska surprised with his latest album showing your people that could play more than the optimistic resgueo the music of the squares of chess. This song was the first single from "A backlight" and hitazo maximum che-speaking countries last summer. Or was it a ntepasado? Click here to download the song. And here can see his video.
- Architecture in Helsinki - Do th and whirlwin
d! This song was first heard on the weekend I ate more seafood and sushi in i m life. Yes is a group sofisticadillo and somewhat difficult to swallow for those who prefer their music with a guitar, drums and a dominant voice. Well these guys do sing up to buses in some us of his subjects, but this is not the case of track and therefore the r eCom. In fact, is more than goop and very, very on. Click here to download the song to make the swirl. And here to view and SuperNintendo estupidísimo video.
- Chromeo - Needy girl. This song calls you to kick dance. The blog I caught a friend and kindred , and decided to put it on compact summer. The members of the clan frikísimo Chromeo are two hip hoppers, one Arab and one Jewish, instead preferring to rhyme vintage go by the wave. And they worked. More goop to stick those balls did you fix that in the hands when cutting gloss paper in kindergarten, is the third song chosen. Click here to download it and here you can laugh of frikerío video.
- Hermanos Brothers - Santiago 2002. brothers The brothers are two types. And those two types are DNA the Congregation of the Brothers Contemplative , the CHC manoseadísimos . Vicente Sanfuentes , better known in the scene as Original Hamster, with Pedro Subercaseaux or Stone, began to hip hop to name ABC1 at the beginning of this millennium. Protool tired and blown out their humorous lyrics such as this song ("I'm walking like crazy, I walk a bit, I remove the snot, I scratch the nuts, I take the Buddha to, I got on the mic" / " in this country are all fools, when in truth are Bolocco broken ") and then evolved to hippie hop, which are copyrighted. Click here to download this excellent and moving Temon. And here to view video and film spirited .
- Mustard Plug - Mr. Smiley. was in North Carolina boring landscape, smell and heat of the editing room. Nor was music fill it with what s huge black headphones and noise-canceling professionals who lent us the power there. That is, until a blond gringo-good-to medium-wave surfer showed me Pandora and it was my salvation. Would be able to pass through my bad times the online music streaming from Mac in front of her generation. And I did it for 2 weeks. I never challenged, because the headset does not let out sound out. Just went straight to my medulla oblongata. And when he was down or in pain batting by eating so much shit, put ska music. And out came this song, you can download by clicking here . And on this link you can see a video live with it.
- The Shins - Australia. had already spoken e hese types
, it s Shins, when I recommended that the soundtrack is peliculaza Garden State . This is your new material, just launched in gri ngolandia and called "wincing the night away" ; as translated text of my assistant Google: "Making wincing the night absent ". No need presentations, here is a good song for sure. then download it here. And on this side there is a video escapees song live (not hear very well, I warn).
- Belle & Sebastian - If She Wants Me. I have the whole discography of the Scots and that's why I'm listening all the time. This is the perfect song to make it all cuete up the car, or to pop the headphones, or part, or what may come to shiver with the tremendous bass sound back. It's also a song with the ragged chorus I've ever heard: "If I could do just one near perfect thing, I'd be happy" , voice sings a half amariconada but, ultimately, terribly happy. Does it sound like summer? Click here to download the mp3. And here to see them play this song with the Philharmonic in Los Angeles. California, obviously.
- The Polyphonic Spree - It's the sun. Another old friend of Dameunacanciónbuena! In fact I think it was the second post . Or third. These neo hippie the lead when it comes to composing hymns for optimism. Ac to sing the sun, like Inca but in white robes and beard. Remember that American Indians had no hairs. Nor robes. Only good songs and a blazing sun above . Come down here the temazo the Polyphonics.
- Djambi - Meu bem. few friends traveled to Brazil and brought back a reggae group who saw them play live. My friend Cuneta said that the healer even attempted jotear the girlfriend of singer. The original album was "Barca pra Ilha , but these Non-Windows were lost and I stole the copy. If somebody has it, to warn. Come down here this relaxed and great joy mp3 Coreen in Portuguese and the chorus later.
- Matisyahu - Time of your song. The Jewish gringo
leaves crap dub reggae playing in Israel has several songs that are worthy of this blog. An e s Jerusalem, as outlined , and here's another. Imagine stepping on the sand beach for the first time in the t emporer. Imagine licking his paws on the shore full of crabs. Put it play your iPod or bringing them to walk and environment that personal video with this song. It is for those rudísima purposes, but also very ad hoc to acclimate those nights Piscola in beach house that you paid and that, thanks to songs like this, it's done shit. Low here mp3 hit of summer 2007. put the video but I heard very bad because it is in vivo. Well, here goes video. But I know it's not going to see.
- Camera Obscura - Happy new year. The people of this group is behind the producers themselves Belle & Sebastian , and that is why they sound so similar. Perhaps too similar: they are Scotch. What the hell sig quick explanation your name? Grandpa is roughly as hunchback and what we know today as DataShow, and we in droves to the Metro. Sure, at one time were wooden and completely analogous to Aristotle if he came to run one. The old blockbuster. Box office, but never like this song. Happy New Year and hurry to lower the mp3 here!
- I'm from Barcelona - Oversleeping. If you are listening to the 12 and they have not yet a song stuck in your head, until just arrived here. If you have not had a favorite shit. grupete already described this once in Dameunacanciónbuena! And now enough said. Were condemned. Receive your new favorite song. then download it here.
- Regina Spektor - Fidelity. Born in Russia but raised in gringoland ia, this mine is the epitome of Soviet Kitsch. "From what? Yes, you heard. This c Ancion must be said, they sent me and asked me I took a look at the chick. And he threw it. Click here to download the mp3. And here you can see your video past kitsch. too bad she is not pretty what one imagines.
- The Legends - He knows the sun. I read somewhere that the Swedes of Legends they managed to make their songs sound the 80's, but at the same time perfectly futuristic. A great joy mp3, optimistic and Swedish indie past. So, the good. And I also do not know why they sound a lot to New Order . Middle gay, sophisticated means, but excellent Temon for the summer. Click here to download the song and you can look here resale and white video. As if the asshole were not enough to be blonde.
- The Feeling - Fill my little world. Warning! This song is sweetly gay! And people who loves to go through life on pink clouds and comfortable, this song I'll like it. Will love. With you, Feelings (or What Sense ) - Fill my little personal world . Put it down here. And can see the video here the fag song ever put in Dameunacanciónbuena! vocalist Wynona Rider is the pubertal hair as a beard and whiter. So freight can be this mp3.
- Her Space Holiday - Japanese gum. If you lock yourself up for months to listen to music alone and locked up next to your computer, then you will become Marc Bianchi. Well, I'm exaggerating. Maybe you will not be as manic depression and perhaps not gonna be as a teacher for the Sound Forge like this guy. Because what he did was to take samples of different sounds on the Internet and release an album with his material. Success, fame and rich mines. All thanks to its flown. this mp3, I must admit, is perhaps the happiest of your hard "The Young Machines" . Clickea Japanese here to chew gum down the mp3. And here you see a rather bad video of a live of the song. But it sounds, at least.
- Jurassic 5 - Jurass finish first. I've said and I again repeat: I have a lot of prejudice against hip hop. Not stand it. And unless the goofy that are filled with amplifiers to listen in their cars sharpener parents gave him. And if they escape freely, worse. However, Jurassic 5 Negritos of 5 (read "five Negritos of the Jurassic five" , so there is no cacophony) make-good hip-hop-wave. So glad to hear other hip hop. Entreténganse jumping with dance music, down the mp3 here . In fact, this should be music made by black-white , if even made a song with Dave Mathews Band . And I like that.
- The Go! Team - Everyone's a VIP to Some
one. This song has nothing to do with the disc "Thunder, Lightning, Strike" , so do not be afraid: they will not listen to music or anything experimental. I say this because of its 6 members are addicted to copy-paste technique, and they love it totally inharmonious rhythms. These freaks are so British that there is a group that calls itself Ninja and rewriting the lyrics of songs for the public be entertained in their shows. How will be rare that one of their songs last 40 seconds and is the typical sound when you throw a bomb from the air to the ground. Aéreooooo Attack! Yes, they are those of The Go! Team. Lower temazo mp3 harmonica here. And you may look to play the song live here.
- Mogwai - Tracy (playing with the Young
Team Mix). pure version of this song Mogwai too noise as to enter in any compilation, so Dameunacanciónbuena! shows you remix by Kid Loco himself in his "Jesus Life for Children Under 12 Inches" , perhaps the best album of remixes come from France. And is that Jean Yves Prieur , Kid Loco, once said in an interview to a Chile that he knew he would dedicate himself to music to listen live to The Clash . And that's too much rocker, so admirable. The truth is that this mp3 is paid to go to the beach and lie down. Be careful because this great song you can leave more relaxed than eating a packet of meringues. So laid back and relax. You're on the beach and nobody bothers ... Yeah, fuck you. It's the kind of back and his horn culeada. can download the mp3 here and stop your finger after if you want.
now, and if all the above alternatives convinced you. can download the full compact as a compilation, cover included. Bonito, right? is another Dameunacanciónbuena!
Oh, and leave your post here opinionated and discussed below. Never mind going through gil a while!
Oh, and leave your post here opinionated and discussed below. Never mind going through gil a while!