Estimats / off company / is attached the Publicitat us that S'ha Imprés enguany per the disclosure of Propera edició del Seminari d'Autosocors , the qual us agraïria that divulguessiu in clubs i els propis vostre àmbits d'influence.

Those who have been supporters of the previous editions, find some news. On one hand, the new location of the center of the seminar: Olesa of Bonesvalls. The good relationship is maintained with the City Council of this population has allowed us to improve the accommodation and meals offered this year at Cal Hook.

The distance between the walls and Olesa de Can Roca Bonesvalls has been checked by the organizers of the seminar, and given the improved state of the pathway between these two points, makes no objection or substantial increase in time trajecte.Per other hand, no stand out much, the unfortunate temporary indisposition of our dear friend Albert Calzada, has meant that he has given relief to the organization friend Jorge Cervera. Although was not new participation, with involvement in this organization, it is said that we attended the presentation of new developments in what has been treballant darrerament, i que representen un perfeccionament de les maniobres d’autosocors ja conegudes per la majoria de nosaltres. Per tots és conegut l'estudi i experimentació d'en Jordi en quant a maniobres d'autosocors.
Atentament,Jordi Pascual
Vocal de l'Escola de la FCE