Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kim Kadashian Bedroom

Seminari d'Autosocors 2009

Estimats / off company / is attached the Publicitat us that S'ha Imprés enguany per the disclosure of Propera edició del Seminari d'Autosocors , the qual us agraïria that divulguessiu in clubs i els propis vostre àmbits d'influence.

Those who have been supporters of the previous editions, find some news. On one hand, the new location of the center of the seminar: Olesa of Bonesvalls. The good relationship is maintained with the City Council of this population has allowed us to improve the accommodation and meals offered this year at Cal Hook.

The distance between the walls and Olesa de Can Roca Bonesvalls has been checked by the organizers of the seminar, and given the improved state of the pathway between these two points, makes no objection or substantial increase in time trajecte.Per other hand, no stand out much, the unfortunate temporary indisposition of our dear friend Albert Calzada, has meant that he has given relief to the organization friend Jorge Cervera. Although was not new participation, with involvement in this organization, it is said that we attended the presentation of new developments in what has been treballant darrerament, i que representen un perfeccionament de les maniobres d’autosocors ja conegudes per la majoria de nosaltres. Per tots és conegut l'estudi i experimentació d'en Jordi en quant a maniobres d'autosocors.

Atentament,Jordi Pascual
Vocal de l'Escola de la FCE

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Alcoholism Makes You Sterile?


Aqui os dejo algunas fotos y videos del 4º Campionat de Catalunya de TPV y 1º Torneo estatal.
En cuanto tenga mas informacion se ira colgando.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Brisket Rub For Crock Pot


caves and chasms OF THE PROVINCE ZARAGOZA is a complete catalog of the cavities of the province of Zaragoza with an indication of its location and access. Purely sporting interest adds the scientist as there are references to bat populations have been observed in every cave, and information on invertebrates, geological or archaeological sites. Note also the section on conservation of the underground environment.
Peers Caving Centre de Aragón Mario Gisbert and Pastor Marcos presented his book "Caves and potholes in the province of Zaragoza on Thursday June 25, 2009 at 19:30 pm in the Civic Center Station North Zaragoza.Una work of great quality, very long desired, it sure fills the curiosity of all cavers in our province. Everything that you please reference is in the local club, so you can purchase at a price of 24.00 euros in Sports Ariadna or in their own right authors

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Refurbished Bath Tubs

Salida con los peques a una cueva.

Some old acquaintances advised me that I had to do was take the kids to the park. But I I like going to the circus and see the clowns , but that does not mean you have to do what they say. For this reason we decided to take the little ones to the Cova del Manel in Sant Llorenç del Munt. Equipped with front and change of clothes, of course, begin the adventure. After passing the four arrived at the gallery WBC GES hiding a kindergarten that had to find the kids.
After spending about 3 hours Inside we find out with people who had accompanied us. They thoroughly enjoyed the adventure and a desire to return to another cave soon.
The kids are super Aram, Daniel and Araceli.