As promised, here is the continuation of artículonunca published in journalist's cut version. Now it Johnny Cash , the owner of American folk rock. Another old man who does good covers.
Johnny Cash: hurt when the cover exceeds original
The last 10 years of his life Cash were devoted to regularly attend record " American Recordings" series of five albums, the sixth and would be about to launch, which would make history when he was already a legend. And not vice versa.
Cash: "The issue is the spirit," he said. "The human spirit struggling to survive. Probably reflects some of the maturity that I have experienced the pain I have suffered from the disease ". A degenerative disease similar to Parkinson that led him to say goodbye to his guitar, his native Arkansas and its sui generis rebellion in September , 2003 .
In each of his deliveries, mix Cash songs written and what we meet in this ar you ass: the covers. The fiery voice, octogenarian, but warm the Man in Black squeezing your vocal chords: "I'm getting old. I have overcome with volunteers tad. I found the strength to make this disc or just away evil from me. Sometimes ib to the study without voice when I could have stayed home but did not want it that way. He came, he opened his mouth and tried to leave something. Recorded when was the last thing in the world I could do. And these are songs that had the fire, feeling, fervor and pa thereof. There are a lot of strength coming out of that weakness " he said of The Man Comes Around the fourth and cover of the disk array.
Rick Rubin (yes, the same one that just won the Grammy for Best Producer and he who gathered Aerosmith Run-DMC . A visionary) was the product

Covered Covering all the issues that made Cash in one review is impossible . The list is tremendous. Since most obvious taxes, as Kris Kristofferson, Hank Williams and Tom Waits, through their peers Neil Diamond, Simon And Garfunkel and The Beatles and, of course, his friends Bob Dylan and Elvis .
That's not all. Of the current: Beck , Danzig , Soundgarden , U2 , Sting , Depeche Mode , The Eagles , Bruc and Springsteen and Nine Inch Nails fattening the payroll. About
" Hung My Head" by Sting , perhaps less like cover original l throughout the album: "It's the kind of song that I like. A tragic story, bleak. The songs of my people are songs of disaster and tragedy, death, murder and broken relationships ", says about the story of a stray bullet kills an innocent, according to the letter of the Police .
" My Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode can not be further from the folk of Cash, but anyway covereó the subject. "It simply the more evangelical gospel song that has recorded do. I do not know what the intention of aut or, but that is what is " , once justified. Of Depeche have not heard anything in response, but Marilyn Manson -covereó also the issue, "said a couple of years of Christian this song had nothing.
But of course the song that became known to a generation of disrespectful, ignorant, prejudiced against folk is Hurt, intellectual authorship Trent Reznor, indie rock dad and Nine Inch Nails .
Diablos how it hurts when the cover surpasses the original. As Joey Ramo ne did with "What a wonderful world " the abrupt end of his life, Johnny Cash with his invention replaced the inventor. "I think 'Hurt' is the best song against drugs I've ever heard (...) I was identified early" said Cash.
And that was enough to make "Hurt " an apology for his life, the best and the most remarkable autobiography video survivor's death.
Reznor, of course, acknowledged: "That song no longer belongs to me" , elegantly said goodbye to one of their favorite songs, if No never detract from the work of Cash , calling it "sincere and pure" .
In the song as four elements that are very strong in the work and existence of Clash: a poor childhood, his drug addiction, love June -woman-and her unconditional , obviously, pain, sensitivity lose, lose your guitar, you lose life.
What have I Become / My sweetest friend / Everyone I know goes away / In the end.
To download "Hurt " clickea here.
For the latest public appearance Cash, look here .
Rick Rubin tells how the recorded American Recordings in the living room of his house. A kind of behind the scenes, here.
"Rusty Cage "The cover that made him Soundgarden, here.
And if you want to lose the series ' American Recordings', I recommend you download and Soulseek go down one by one.
- ((Next week: Paul Anka and his 'Rock Swings' )) -